Heart Centered Hypnotherapy
Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy is used worldwide as a powerful therapeutic and energetic healing modality. HCH embraces the concepts of self-determination and the belief that every client contains, deeply within their own subconscious mind, the key to their own individual health and healing. It is mainly through learning how to access this deeply personal guidance held within each human being that Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy excels. The subconscious mind contains 90 percent of the mind and within that 90 percent is the deeply held key that unlocks the client’s individual inner guidance. It is the subconscious mind of the client which guides the sessions. The therapist listens to the client's subconscious mind, to sense and to feel exactly where the client needs to go in order to address the blockages which have kept them stuck. The process involves treading slowly and listening carefully to the revelations of the deeper mind, body and spirit of clients.
HCH addresses not only the somatic effect of unresolved emotions, but also negative beliefs that got formed as a result of the adverse event (trauma). Being held in a safe, loving and compassionate space allows the client to feel free to discover their true self.